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Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Lemony goodness

This is the product of a spare 15mins I had this evening! I'm back on form after Physio and think my husband reckons he has a new wife as I've walked the dog twice in 24hrs which is a difference to moaning about backpain!!

One of these lovely lemony sticky goeyness is for someone I promised a jar to at Christmas but she hasn't recieved. I made a fresh few jars so she's not saying 'phew.. I Don't fancy 2 month old produce' !

Friday afternoon is my afternoon off and will b doing di's block for hipbees! Looking forward to it as there's chocolate and a cuppa that has to b taken while I'm stitching!

Have a loaf in breadmaker now and im off to bed as have to do my Pilates before snoozing and I am gonna get up for a walk at 6.30 (I'm serious)!!!



  1. Eeeeek! Is one of those for me????????? So glad to hear you are feeling much better (well in body if not in mind - what are you thinking getting up at 6.30am? That's still the middle of the night!). jxo

  2. yum look awesome and glad you are feeling better and on top form! x

  3. ooo these look yum - I had a go at lemon curd last year, but it didn't set right, so we had to make lots of lemon cakes and pour it over them!!! x

  4. oh that looks devine, glad you are feeling better x

  5. Ooh, lucky recipients! Glad to hear you're feeling better!

  6. Thought I would pop over and say Hi! It was lovely to hear that you knew about me and its great to meet another crafter (sometimes I feel I can be a little invisible lol). I am just off to have a look about your blog, but my mouth is watering looking at all of the lemony goodness in this picture. Glad you are feeling better x
